Sunday, February 19, 2012

On Beat

I have been drumming for nearly 24 years. It seems hard to believe when I tell it, but I realized this was the case when I got the announcement for my High School 2oth reunion, which is itself kinda daunting, and remembered that I started playing my freshman year.

On the other hand, I have been a father for just over a year and a half.

Before my son was born, I intended to keep a blog that would chronicle my preparation for fatherhood. I intended to interview fathers I knew, document my fears and hopes, and keep it as a log for my son, so he'd know how much I loved him even before he arrived. I did a terrible job there. In fact, I think I was scared of doing THAT wrong, so I just kinda dropped it. You can see the fruits of that here, but I think it's safe to say that I'm beyond that particular blog. I feel weird going back and trying to salvage the intentions.

What I have now is a boy who LOVES music, maybe more than me, and some belief that perhaps my greatest gift, aside from my God and my family, is an aptitude for music. There are many indications that it might play an even bigger role in my life than I even deemed possible 24 years ago, and that is both encouraging and frustrating. Because the business of music is rough, and the culture of music is almost rougher, at least in the circles I walk in.

And now, as my options are exploding, my family is exploding too. In a few months, God willing, I will have a new daughter as well. A second child, who might "ruin everything", or so the masses would have you believe. However...

Here's a funny thing I've found, though, which has blown my mind, but not surprised me - All the things which people said would "change everything" has only changed everything for the better. When I got married young, I was told I was tying my hands, and that opportunities for creative outlets and the like would be fleeting. But I only became cool after I was married. I joined a band that had a good measure of success in San Diego. I traveled, and got a dream job. I had, and have, the time of my life with my best friend. When we finally had our first child, people said, "Now, everything changes", again as if it was a hindrance. But we've lived, and shared our life with our son, teaching him about the world while seeing it new through his wonder. I'm not sure "they" are doing it right.

However, don't mistake my joy for hubris. I am well aware that there are challenges ahead, especially with number 2 en-route. But, I hope we won't give up before we've started just because "they" did.

Which leads to Right Now. I am a husband, father, and drummer, though I make my living as something else. But drumming is how I best express myself (Even though I am often wishing I was a writer first...are we EVER happy with our gifts?) and my family is a joy, one that I am constantly growing to understand. I have so much on my plate in both realms.

I am active in three bands right now; Geezer, a comedy/cover band that gets great gigs and a great response and is amazingly fun; Cotton the Machine, an original band that I helped start from the ground up which has the potential to make a considerable impact if and when we can get it together; and The Secret Seven, a power pop/rock band that is established and generating some buzz around town. Also, I recently started playing regularly at my church, and look to help foster some new drummers coming up who want to play there as well, which I feel privileged to do. It's...a LOT. and I welcome it.

However, when I think about it, I can begin to feel overwhelmed. Am I taking on too much? Will my family suffer for me to pursue these things? Or am I following the path set for me so that I can do well, living out my faith?

That's what I hope to consider with this blog, as I document my journey as a drummer and a father - two seemingly unrelated pursuits that, I believe, are not so different. Let's Rawk!

1 comment:

  1. If you are still wanting to break into the comics, remember that I am friends with Billy Martinez. Billy has his own publishing company, I've known him for many, many years. If the bug gets you, let me know and I can give Billy a call. Jason C.
