Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sorry 'bout Your Belated Valentine (or, "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Rookie Card")

About four years ago, I was in a great band called Rookie Card.  It was, to date, my most prolific endeavor, and the one that has lead to more opportunities in the San Diego musical community than any other.  I am super thankful for my time as a "Rookie", and am very proud of the work we did to establish ourselves in the San Diego scene.  Adam, the singer and songwriter of the group, was and is responsible for our success, from writing great songs that were fun to play, to getting us shows I can't believe we got to play, to securing the funds and means to get three CD's recorded, two of which were nominated for SDMA's.  There is so much to write about my time in Rookie Card, that I thought I'd save it for a later post.  But, as most musicians and ALL parents know, things don't always go as planned...

Today, this article came out in the San Diego Reader.  If you click the link, you'll see that picture, minus the terrible MS Paint editing.  And while that WAS Rookie Card up until it wasn't, that is not the Rookie Card that is playing next week on Leap Day, 2/29/2012.  Well, it's half the same, but you get the picture.

Which isn't really fair to Andrew and Sam, who are playing drums and bass, respectively.  (I think it's that correct, Adam?)  Nor is it fair to Kevin and me, though for myself I'm proud of my time in the Card...but that time has passed.  But, that's "Rock Journalism" for you.  Even when they're doing a promotional piece, they don't really care if all the facts are straight.  Writers for the Reader and Citybeat get paid by the word, not by the truth, or the accurate representation thereof.  Which is a bummer, because I think especially in a case like this, there isn't much excuse to not do a little extra work to get your i's dotted, your t's crossed, and your "teh's" un-typoed, so to speak.  (Yes, dear readers, that was a reference to the Rookie Card song "TEH Typos" off our debut EP First Day of Class!  Buy it here!)

Oh, wait one second!  How in the world...did you click the link to Amazon just now?!  How is it that all six copies for sale on Amazon are going for better than $25!  And from all across the country?!  One is in Wisconsin, and the other is in Illinois?!  I just looked up our third CD, What's on Second, and there is one selling out of AUSTRIA!  Well, color me impressed.  With myself.  (BTW, I would like to point out that I am not making those claims up, and have provided the documentation, via internet FACTS, for your approval.  Journalism...)

Ok. Alright.  Breathe.  ah...  Better.  So, where was I?  Not in Rookie Card anymore, for one.  That is another story, but it's a good one, and I can tell you the ending is happy.  And in spite of my first recorded lead vocals on the hidden track from the RC album Near Mint, I don't hate happy endings.

So, this entry is rather time sensitive, and while I am trying to avoid writing stuff here that depends on current events to be relevant, I'll make the exception and say that I hope you'll go see Rookie Card on 2/29/2012.  I will be there, and I can't wait to hear the songs again.  It's a little self-aggrandizing, but I hope others feel the same way.  Just don't be surprised that I'm not playing them, and don't feel weird about it...I don't, and I'm glad that Adam is getting the band back together...he's too cool and clever* not to.

*Yes, another Rookie Card lyrical reference, this time from "The Sun Always Shines on Christmas" from Near Mint; One of my favorite songs to play, and the first song I did backup vocals for while drumming.  Also, my first televised performance...yes, actual TV.  Man, there is a LOT more RC to talk about...

1 comment:

  1. I love that you wrote this....and that it took me nine months to see. Strangely enough it was to see if "TEH Typos" was up anywhere online. It ain't which means I need to upload your masterful drumming for all to hear very soon....Cheers!
